Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Nov, 2020  |
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“It took me a couple decades to realize guys like you are the best”.

1 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"I work retail and was told this by a customer, “you’re so nice, you must have been bullied in high school.”"

2 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"During an internal ultrasound, I once got told I have beautiful Fallopian tubes. I’ve been riding that high for years."

3 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"My friends and I were talking about what kind of potatoes we’d be. One of my best friends told me, “You’d be a loaded baked potato. People pay extra for that good ###t!”"

4 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"“You look comfortable.” Not as in I looked relaxed. She meant I looked comfortable to rest, lean or lay on. At first I asked if she was politely saying I was fat. She explained that I had a look about me of being someone who would comfortable to cuddle with and not hog space or covers. I took it as a compliment. I hope it was. This was a stranger I was having a conversation with during the morning train commute maybe three years ago. Came from out of the blue, as well."

5 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"That I’m like a piece of furniture, don’t do much but you notice when I’m not there."

6 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"Someone told me my eyes were upside down. Not sure what the means or if was even a compliment, they seemed friendly."

7 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"A coworker once told me that I was “a cross between Han Solo and Dr. Bunson Honeydew from the Muppets.” This was in 1998 and I still can’t stop thinking about it – was that supposed to be a compliment? An insult? The worst part is that he was pretty accurate, actually."

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“You remind me of a swan.”

9 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"Every time I see her, my gynecologist always says, “You have such a CUTE little cervix!” I’ve had a bf blushingly tell me I have a “really cute butthole, don’t make it weird.” So I got that going for me."

10 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

“Your penis is harder than old chicken.”

11 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

“You look like an anime character!” “Wow, thanks, that’s a great compli-“ “Yeah, like that show Hellsing! With all the vampires!”

12 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"“You’d look great in an off-shoulder dress”. I’m a guy, but if I ever want to start wearing dresses, I know I’ll choose off-shoulder ones."

13 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"“You look…. ominous.” – the mailman said to me while I sat on the curb reading TIME magazine waiting outside my apartment for the mail to arrive."

14 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"“You finally look like a human being” It happens every time I get a haircut lol."

15 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

"From a teacher: You’re like a barb-wired fence, maybe something gets past you, but it leaves tattered pieces behind. (I’m not very attentive, but somehow I manage to pick up info I need and use it appropriately)."

16 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)

“You’re so sexy. You reminded me of my mum.”

17 Is This A Compliment? (17 pics)


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