Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Nov, 2020  |
  • Views: 1538  |
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“Honey I left your dinner in the microwave” and they say pregnancy brain isn’t a thing lol."

1 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

2 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

3 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"When you put laundry detergent in the fridge"

4 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

5 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"sent the kid to school in full costume just to find out I not only had wrong day, but wrong week..."

6 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

7 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Arts/CraftsTried to crochet my daughter a fish. My pregnant brain thought it was nice."

8 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Pregnancy brain is so real. My daughter's daycare lady sent me this. I’m so embarrassed."

9 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"My cousin's pregnancy brain in action."

10 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

11 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

12 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Instead of drinking water i just drank baby oil."

13 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"So this totally happened this morning, got to work with two different shoes on!"

14 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Looking all over the house for a good while... and freaking out since already running late... finally found my damn keys! Common side effect of parenting while pregnant."

15 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

16 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"That moment you realize you got distracted and forgot you were playing hide and seek and your 2 yr old has been hiding for about 20 minutes ????... she never moved lol."

17 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

18 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Preggo Brain strikes again???? This is what happens when you forget to put eggs in your waffle batter ooopsy ???????? I swear these days my brain is mush."

19 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Let's say I "hypothetically" forgot to take a Pyrex lid out of the oven before I preheat it and it "hypothetically" melted. What would be the best way to get the plastic off the hypothetical oven rack? Or would one need to just throw the whole damn oven out?"

20 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

21 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Preggo Brain Exhibit A. Be sure to actually put the coffee that you Just ground up into the coffee maker."

22 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

23 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"When you get to your destination and realize you forgot to take your slippers off."

24 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

25 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"Technically this conversation with my husband happened yesterday, but I swear it feels like I have a similar one with him everyday."

26 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

"I thought pregnancy brain was fake. It’s not. To make scrambled eggs this morning, I cracked one egg in a bowl and the other on a plate."

27 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

28 Women Pregnancy Stories (28 pics)

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