The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 3027  |
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29. T-1000 ("Terminator 2: Judgment Day")

1 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

28. Calvin Candie ("Django Unchained")

2 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

27. Gollum ("The Lord of the Rings" franchise)

3 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

26. Immortan Joe ("Mad Max: Fury Road")

4 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

25. Michael Myers ("Halloween" franchise)

5 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

24. Lord Voldemort ("Harry Potter" franchise)

6 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

23. Predator ("Predator" franchise)

7 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

22. Annie Wilkes ("Misery")

8 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

21. John Doe ("Seven")

9 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

20. Jason Voorhees ("Friday the 13th" franchise)

10 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

19. Thanos ("The Avengers" franchise)

11 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

18. The Alien ("Alien" franchise)

12 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

17. Phyllis Dietrichson ("Double Indemnity")

13 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

16. Keyser Söze ("The Usual Suspects")

14 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

15. Hans Landa ("Inglourious Basterds")

15 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

14. Leatherface ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre")

16 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

13. Tyler Durden ("Fight Club")

17 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

12. Pennywise ("It" franchise)

18 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

11. The Wicked Witch of the West ("The Wizard of Oz")

19 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

10. Mr. Potter ("It's a Wonderful Life")

20 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

9. Norman Bates ("Psycho" franchise)

21 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

8. Alex Forrest ("Fatal Attraction")

22 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

7. Terminator ("Terminator" franchise)

23 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

6. Amon Goeth ("Schindler's List")

24 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

5. The Shark ("Jaws")

25 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

4. Hannibal Lecter ("Silence of the Lambs" franchise)

26 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

3. Anton Chigurh ("No Country For Old Men")

27 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

2. The Joker ("The Dark Knight")

28 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)

1. Darth Vader ("Star Wars" trilogy)

29 The Greatest Movie Villains (29 pics)


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