Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 1881  |
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1 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The inside collar of my wife's new scrubs.

2 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The security hut at the Igloo factory is an Igloo cooler.

3 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

4 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

Decaffeinated owl’s eyes are only half open.

5 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

My bag of energy bars calling me out.

6 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

Butcher shop door handle is a butcher knife.

7 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

8 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

9 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

My flannel has a piece of microfiber on the inside to clean your glasses.

10 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The title of George Orwell’s 1984 is redacted until worn off from reading.

11 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

12 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

Bought a new generator and thoroughly reading the instructions.

13 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The tram in my city (Murcia, Spain) has a little mask on it.

14 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

This table has been designed so it leaves heart shaped imprints in your carpet.

15 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

16 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The inside of this obliterated dog toy says "time to throw me away?"

17 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

18 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

This dress tag is not afraid of commitment.

19 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The footrest in this Jeep says “Sand Snow Rivers Rocks” in morse code.

20 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

21 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

The Futurama boxes have 30th Century Fox.

22 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

On the back of Black Sabbath’s Vol. 4 they thank the "great COKE-Cola Company of Los Angeles." They were referring to cocaine. All four members had enormous cocaine habits by the time it was recorded. The song Snowblind is also entirely about cocaine.

23 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

My tea had a Buddha on the barcode.

24 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

This tiny ufo that crash landed on the wall of a technology museum.

25 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

26 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

I had to replace some floorboards, so left a little surprise for whoever removes them next.

27 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

28 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

I've had this belt for probably close to 5 or 6 years and I've never noticed this etched on the inside of it.

29 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

These frozen ribs know that you'll probably throw away the box before reading the instructions.

30 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

31 Easter Eggs In Real Life (31 pics)

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