Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 1501  |
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I accidentally painted a silhouette of a forest in my last sip of coffee.

1 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

2 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Accidentally created a porcupine by pouring instant coffee over an Americano.

3 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

4 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Spilled my coffee and accidentally created art.

5 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

6 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

7 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

The froth on my coffee looks like a man fishing.

8 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Spilled a bit of coffee. Came back later to see it looking at me.

9 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

My morning coffee had a flying unicorn in it.

10 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

This is how my coffee machine greeted me today.

11 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

12 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

This coffee stain on my cup vaguely resembles a world map.

13 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

This morning’s coffee bloom looked like a surprised bear.

14 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Shark shaped coffee stain.

15 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

My friend's coffee spilled in the shape of a guitar.

16 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

My coffee stain made a bird.

17 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

18 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Accidental T-Rex?

19 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

20 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Coffee Stain On My Floor Look Like Pac-Man Eating A Pellet.

21 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

22 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Dried coffee that looks like a landscape painting.

23 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

My coffee left a stain that looks like a skull.

24 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Coffee stain looks like it's staring at you.

25 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Totally legitimate Jesus in my coffee spill.

26 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Accidentally made a sea turtle in a customer’s latte today. We were all very excited.

27 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

My coffee spill clean-up looks like a brain.

28 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

Accidental Latte Art looks like a Victorian lady with a big butt.

29 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)

30 Accidental Coffee Art (30 pics)


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