Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 1787  |
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"Same shoes. Only one pair was used regularly."

1 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"The amount of growing up this good boy did in a year is praiseworthy."

2 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“Me and my son, 24 years apart.”

3 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"What 12 years of dedication and learning can do."

4 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“How much my greyhound’s face has changed over the last 8 years.”

5 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“Finally started brushing my teeth after years of neglect due to depression.”

6 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“My great, great grandmother’s cooking spoon, worn down from years of stirring.”

7 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“After 12 years of struggling with my weight and mental illness, I am so proud of myself today. 80 pounds down.”

8 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"Before and after kitty received proper care."

9 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“My 14-year-old well-worn toy compared to a new one found at a second-hand shop.”

10 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"For my sister’s wedding, we surprised everyone by wearing heirloom dresses. Maid of Honor (1982) and my sister (1949)."

11 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“The way centuries of sun changed the surface of this pillar.”

12 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

“My great-great maternal grandmother vs Me. Amazing what genes get passed down!”

13 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"With time, a watermelon grew into my tiny fence."

14 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)

"From 10 weeks to 9 months."

15 Time Changes Everything (15 pics)


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