Amazing Garages (29 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 2811  |
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"Nothing special but its mine!"

1 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

2 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

3 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Garage remodel is coming together…"

4 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Bonsai garage is finally done!"

5 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Small workshop in one side of two car garage (toy storage at the back)."

6 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

7 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

8 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Garage Space, Work in Progress, Quarantine Zone and DeStress Area."

9 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Repurposed an IKEA Bookshelf for Gear Storage."

10 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"My little corner workshop."

11 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

12 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Finished my lighting."

13 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"The “no expense spared” bench is mostly assembled."

14 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Just Wanted To Share My Garage Transformation!"

15 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"My happy place away from all the chaos and responsibilities of the world."

16 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"New flooring turned out nicely."

17 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

18 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

19 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

20 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Finally bought a house. I know it’s not as nice as most of the posts here, but it’s a work in progress."

21 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"My friend followed his dream and opened The Hair Garage today!"

22 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Fresh mud updates."

23 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"My comfort zone…"

24 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"A work in progress and not nearly as nice as some of the garages here, but after 14 years of renting I finally have a space to call my own."

25 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Almost all moved in to the new garage! Big step up from my 18×18 garage I started in 2 years ago."

26 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Finally got around to making my wall of cabinets over a year after moving in. All hinges have been installed since this photo."

27 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"Friend of mine just built a garage. Drywall to go up later."

28 Amazing Garages (29 pics)

"It’s not the size that counts, it’s what you do with it."

29 Amazing Garages (29 pics)


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