Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 3599  |
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“We visited the Isle of Skye in Scotland this weekend and got pure Middle-Earth vibes.”

1 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“The breathtaking hole near Lagos, Portugal! It’s at least 98 feet deep and completely unprotected.”

2 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“My wife was terrified by just watching me take this picture.”

“Tasman Glacier under the Milky Way — it was a very surreal feeling sitting in front of this glacial lake in the middle of the night!”

3 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“Havasu Falls. I can’t wait to go back there.”

4 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“The trip and the dead car battery was worth it. My grandpa used to walk these lands in Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

5 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I watched the sunset up at Mount Rainier. It’s by far one of the most enchanting places I’ve ever visited!”

6 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I paddled 13 miles, mostly in the dark, to catch this.”

7 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I caught this incredible exploding meteor when I went to Rattlesnake Lake in Washington last weekend. Zoom in to see the exact moment it explodes in 2.”

8 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“— My favorite shot from my trip to Canada last summer. It was taken at Athabasca Falls. — It looks like a fairytale.”

9 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“The more terrible the weather, the better this place looks. A moody day at Milford Sound, New Zealand.”

10 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“Anyone would be lucky to experience a night like this!”

11 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I walked 24 miles to take this photo.”

12 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I flew over Greenland for the first time with no cloud cover. Such a cool experience, I felt like I was on another planet.”

13 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“Middle-Earth does exist! Even in Kyrgyzstan!”

14 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I hiked many miles in 90° heat to experience the night skies in Utah and capture a 30-frame panorama of the Milky Way.”

15 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“The scene I’ve been picturing in my mind for years finally happened on Tuesday. Heavy fog over Cuyahoga River with an incredible sunrise to illuminate it all.”

16 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“I waited for 3 hours in the wind and rain for the clouds to lift from these peaks. It was worth every shivering second.”

17 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)

“We took a helicopter tour above the Nā Pali Coast State Wilderness Park. This is the moment my jaw dropped.”

18 Fantastic Nature (18 pics)


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