Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 2016  |
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“My "Cookies And Cream Stuffed French Toast" From Ihop”

1 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“I Ordered Bruschetta From My Local Pizza Shop”

2 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“This Steak Salad That Looks Nothing Like It's Advertised”

3 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Cheese Fries From Buffalo Wild Wings”

4 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Subway Pizza”

5 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Burger King Grill Dog Cheddar And Bacon”

6 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Part Of A $3.50 School Lunch. Picture On The Menu And What Was Served”

7 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Menu vs. What They Served Me. No, Millennials Didn’t Kill Appleby’s, They Committed Suicide”

8 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Taco Bell’s Grande Stacker Box”

9 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“A Texas Sized Disappointment”

10 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“This Is So Outrageous”

11 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“The 3 Pieces Of Lettuce Was A Nice Touch I Guess”

12 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Grilled Salmon At The Mall Food Court”

13 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Dreams Were Dashed At The Airport”

14 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Expectation vs. 2020”

15 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Taco Bell, I Try To Love You, So Why Do You Treat Me This Way??”

16 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Damn, I Am So Looking Forward To Eating This Delicious Burger With Copious Amounts Of Guacamole, Just As Advertised, And Then- Oh Wait..”

17 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Restaurant’s Charcuterie Board As Advertised vs. What I Got”

18 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Jack In The Box Tacos”

19 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Arby's Bacon Beef 'N Cheddar”

20 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Fungi Toastie From Subway”

21 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Tim Hortons New Fruit Loop Donuts”

22 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“The Tempura Green Beans Looked Delicious On The Menu. I Think They Fell A Smidge Short”

23 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“Thanks KFC, Totally What I Expected”

24 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“The Burger I Ordered Tonight”

25 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“I Know It's Airline Food, But Sweet Baby Jesus United Airlines, Why Would You Let Someone Pay $10 For This?...”

26 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“So I Bought This New Burger From Burger K!ng...”

27 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“The Pico De Gallo Burger At Whataburger”

28 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“This Is Why You Check Your Food Before You Leave The Restaurant...”

29 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)

“When Reality Doesn’t Meet Expectations”

30 Restaurant Food: Expectation And Reality (30 pics)


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