Awesome Photos (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 4531  |
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Took a trippy picture of Chicago. No edits no explanation how.

1 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Coconuts will crack open in the freezer.

2 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens when you heat an ordinary marble over a flame then immediately drop it into cold water.

3 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens to a basketball court when the pipes burst.

4 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

I refilled my soap container with clear soap, and the leftover white soap rose up like a lava lamp.

5 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Here's what can happen when a soggy stump goes through a hard freeze: Ice fur! This is a thick coat of fine, delicate ice crystals.

6 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

When lightning strikes asphalt.

7 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

I didn't notice that my glove broke while dying my friend's hair and now my hands are stained.

8 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

One of my hairs got caught in a zipper. Came out looking like this.

9 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens when you polish a coconut.

10 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Ever wonder what could happen if a bear breaks into your car? Snowmass Village, Colorado August 8, 2019.

11 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

A storm literally picked up and moved this road.

12 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

What happens if you blink faster than the shutter on your camera.

13 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Just found this on a ten year old pillow, never noticed it before.

14 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens if you do not eat your artichoke right away!

15 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

What happens when you throw water on an oil fire.

16 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Bamboo that grew up during the pandemic without the effect of tourists' touch.

17 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens when you put dish soap in a fountain.

18 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

What happens if you blink faster than your camera.

19 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Last night, lightning struck Dornoch beach in Scotland, and that's how the scene looks like after it.

20 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Planting 90,000ish trees take a few inches of shovel.

21 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Wood burning with high voltage.

22 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

Tree root that found its way into the cavity of a deceased skull.

23 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

This is what happens when no one keeps ornamental cabbage trimmed.

24 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

I opened a decade old Play-Doh container to find it had grown crystals.

25 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

A black shirt of mine that got a solar tie-dye job after years of being crammed in the back of my car.

26 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

I accidentally left a bowl of beet juice on the counter and the top layer rippled.

27 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

I put blue food coloring in my white roses water.

28 Awesome Photos (28 pics)

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№1 Author: gnusmas (23 Oct 2020 16:55) Total user comments: 452

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Didn't we just see this exact post a few days ago?

Also, the explanation for pic#1 was that the vibration mode on the phone went off while taking the picture, thus making the photo wavy.

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