Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 1534  |
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“My chest, not my cat! Spotted this beautiful big guy in my dad’s garden a few days ago.”

1 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“The last thing I expected to spot in the sahara desert was a tuxedo kitty.”

2 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“The smoke has cleared up a little bit here in the Bay Area, so I went out for a walk and spotted these two buddies enjoying the night air together.”

3 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“10/10 would pet and miss a train for again.”

4 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“This new neighbor has been coming to visit me every day for the last 4 days.”

5 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Mitzi is a cat who hangs out at the gate with the security guards.”

6 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Met a new friend today.”

7 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Just having lunch and then suddenly this cat jumped on my lap. Obviously, I was not thrilled by this at all!”

8 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Stumbled on this super old trooper today. Even broke social distancing to give him a head scratch. Worth a bit of hand sanitizing afterwards.”

9 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Saw this beautiful duo on my walk this morning. They both came running over for scratches.”

10 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Ensuring no bookmarks are stolen on his watch.”

11 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Little lady sat in a planter waiting on her pint.”

12 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“My stairs not my cat. The eyes.”

13 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Spotted: ginger soil, super rare Swedish phenomenon.”

14 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Spotted this black and white dough ball on the way home for an inspiring black and white photograph.”

15 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“We left the garden door open and Juno (neighbor cat) snuck in and made herself at home - who could be mad at that face!!?”

16 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Spotted in the building in front of my job!”

17 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Took this photo of the most cuddly lil ginger in the middle of a head shake while it wouldn’t stop purring, such a majestic beauty.”

18 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

“Don’t pspsps to me or my son or my wife ever again.”

19 Fantastic Cats (20 pics)

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