Bad Maps (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Oct, 2020  |
  • Views: 2634  |
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“It’s raining very hard in the UK right now”

1 Bad Maps (24 pics)

2 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Basically every data map of Europe”

3 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Map of Chad”

4 Bad Maps (24 pics)

5 Bad Maps (24 pics)

6 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“When a band announces a world tour”

7 Bad Maps (24 pics)


8 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Egypt is smaller than the United States, Russia and China combined”

9 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“More people live in the green area than the blue area”

10 Bad Maps (24 pics)

11 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“The legality of owning a kangaroo in the United States”

12 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Iowa has 99 counties. It could have an even 100 if not for this monstrosity”

13 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“World map according to fish”

14 Bad Maps (24 pics)

15 Bad Maps (24 pics)

16 Bad Maps (24 pics)

17 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Antarctica, the confusing continent”

18 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Map of Africa using orange peel”

19 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“How to create a T-Rex”

20 Bad Maps (24 pics)

21 Bad Maps (24 pics)

22 Bad Maps (24 pics)

“Map of the Earth if it was a bear”

23 Bad Maps (24 pics)

24 Bad Maps (24 pics)


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