Fortunate Things (40 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 3081  |
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"I was hired to take this antique organ to a landfill. Happy to say I kept it instead and used it on my bands first album!"

1 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"This egg that one of my chickens laid"

2 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"A five leaf clover I found today"

3 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"When your girlfriend’s weight matches the sample photo"

4 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Storm took down a tree but didn’t even scratch my car"

5 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"The Longest Curly Fry I’ve Ever Seen in My Life"

6 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"My bf found the end of a rainbow"

7 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"The way my remote landed when I threw it on the couch"

8 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"The way these two separate sheets of cellophane aligned when I dropped them"

9 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"3 ears I grew from the same heirloom corn variety"

10 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Caught a quick photo of the Eiffel Tower while walking in Paris then noticed I was photobombed when I got home..."

11 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"I dropped my spoon and it landed perfectly balances on the edge of the table"

12 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"One carton, 4 eggs, 8 yolks (sorry, one broke)"

13 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Dumped an egg yolk into my sink and instead of breaking, it fell perfectly onto the grate"

14 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Found a face on a tree today"

15 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Was swiping at the dispensary when I looked up and saw the girl I was about to swipe on"

16 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"I found this leaf that looks like a weather radar"

17 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"This tree's curve went right over the hood of this car that it [almost] fell on"

18 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Found A Woman's $5,000 Engagement Ring In Under A Minute! Plus, Another Surprise Return At The End!"

19 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"After a rain"

20 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"I told my fiancé for over 3 years that we didn’t need a dog of our own. I’m so glad we waited, because we were able to rescue our new best friend last month"

21 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Just played bass on instagram live with one of the musicians that inspired to start playing. I couldn’t be happier right now"

22 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Our cat is back after two weeks in the woods, she is dehydrated and cold but will be alright. Im so happy"

23 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Last year we drove almost two hours to the country to see the meteor shower but we didn’t see anything, this year I saw around twenty and he saw three. We were very excited"

24 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Six years ago, I had an idea I thought was interesting. I sacrificed vacations, parties, relaxation, and a chunk of sanity typing maniacally into a Word doc I never thought would see the light of day. On Sept. 15, it's being published by McGraw-Hill!"

25 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"A customer today only gave a penny for a tip, got mad at first then saw it was from 1889"

26 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"My town has very lenient laws on curbside dumping so people put lots of stuff out front of their houses knowing someone will take it. Went out this weekend and came back with a full SUV of goods, the prized find was a fully functional wii with 5 games including Zelda Twilight Princess!"

27 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"In a bag of decent non-precious jewelry via the thrift dumpster...the same one that gave me a gold chain earlier this year"

28 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Can you say coffee?? Pulled a bunch of cases of Starbucks coffee, along with some lesser known brands. A few cases of the teas, Pop chips, Pita chips. It was a good morning!!"

29 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Woke up for some water. Thank god I turned on the light before taking a sip"

30 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Had a rim explode going 45 mph. Felt lucky to be alive"

31 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"My AirPods just got put in the washing machine and tumble dryer by accident and they still work! (First post)"

32 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"I forgot my notebook in a shopping cart. Luckily, it was still there over an hour later when I raced back to find it. It had six hundred dollars in it"

33 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Diamond ring missing since 2004 turns up on garden carrot"

34 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"That was close. My lucky day. Only a slight nick on the knee"

35 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Crisis adverted"

36 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"The neighbor usually parks the car on the left, where the tree fell, but that night he parked it to the right"

37 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"My parking job behind my friends car"

38 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"I left for the weekend to my mother, and when returned found that the sink was filled to the top"

39 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

"Literally being held by a thread"

40 Fortunate Things (40 pics)

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