Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

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  • 21 Sep, 2020  |
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"Treasure in my bathroom????"

1 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"My mom is a realtor. She went to show an empty house and found that the previous owners had left something behind. After checking with the listing agent and finding out that the person who had loved her was deceased, she went back and brought her home. Name suggestions are welcome."

2 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"Just bought my first house, didn’t test the taps when I was viewing it of course (all the taps in the house do this)."

3 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"We recently bought a house and the previous owners left us a ton of book collections. I want to keep some, but have no idea how to start weeding/assessing value/donating. Any insight on where I can enlist expert advice?"

4 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"New house. Previous owners left this behind basement bathroom curtain!"

5 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"The previous owners of our home had a hole cut in the basement door for cats - Bernard makes use of it daily. His tail is always a good sign if someone is coming up the stairs."

6 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"The previous owners of our house left behind flowerbeds full of mulch and a bunch of unused pavers, so we covered up the side of the house that was all dirt and always muddy."

7 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"The house I'm staying in has kept its original well as a feature..."

8 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"I found a newspaper in the crawlspace of our new house today, dated October 2, 1902."

9 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"Found a paw print on a brick wall."

10 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"Just bought a house. Previous owner left safe in the house and told us she doesn't care. Any tips on how help me open it?"

11 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"My parents moved into a new house, this was left on the lid of this toilet by the previous owners."

12 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"Previous owner of my house covered a gap in the floorboards by nailing down flattened food tins."

13 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"This was found beneath our floorboards from the previous owners in 1961. The house was build the 1850s."

14 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"So I just moved into a new apartment, and made a big discovery: Secret Dungeon."

15 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"My apartment is an old police station and still has the original cell doors but painted."

16 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"House, in her backyard stands this “chapel” which is bought by the previous owner in Malta. I have a feeling that on it’s top a keystone is missing. Does anybody knows what this is?"

17 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

"Why just screw or nail wood to a wall when you can use construction glue? Gifts from the previous owner, Vol 12."

18 Interesting Findings In New Homes (18 pics)

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