Awesome Photos (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 4144  |
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“My roommate found an original Star Wars VHS today at a thrift store.”

1 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“My dog has heterochromia - her blue eye reflects red and her brown eye reflects blue.”

2 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This collection of Mystery Science Theater 3000 VHS tapes creates an image when put together.”

3 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Bitter tasting batteries...”

4 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“A customer used a 37 year old crisco coupon today.”

5 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“A black shirt of mine that got a solar tie-dye job after years of being crammed in the back of my car.”

6 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This tree in my neighbourhood that has 1 branch of an apple tree and the rest is a normal tree.”

7 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This Tibetan Cherry tree at my local park looks like copper!”

8 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This albino peacock I saw in Malaysia.”

9 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“The way my ice pack is defrosting looks like a polar bear.”

10 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Split skies. Daytime in the front, sunset in the back.”

11 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“What I presume to be a Stargate in the middle of a random field.”

12 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Saw a old 1948 Hotpoint refrigerator today that is still completely functional.”

13 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This laptop has a lit-up number pad built into the touch pad.”

14 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This Barbie doll with Vitiligo.”

15 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This parking garage painted the utility pipes to match the tree mural behind it.”

16 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Pictures of me and my brother with the same owl 10 years apart.”

17 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This tiny ufo that crash landed on the wall of a technology museum.”

18 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This bee covered in pollen.”

19 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“The Carts sign letters appear to float in the air.”

20 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“I have an off centered pupil.”

21 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Metalica branded old romanian stove.”

22 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Someone crocheted around a rock being used as a doorstop in my building so it doesn't slam so loudly.”

23 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“An hornet made its nest out of styrofoam.”

24 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“I found a rock that loos like a piece of pie.”

25 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“A creepy, nightmarish picture of my cat that has a pair of bunny ears on.”

26 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“I opened a ventilation cavity in a wall and found old love letters bound in string.”

27 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This very round stone I found.”

28 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This knot in the wood looks like a Frog.”

29 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This cucumber my girlfriend grew in her garden that looks like a tiny watermelon. Watermelon for scale.”

30 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“I peeled open my ice cream and saw a happy face.”

31 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“This cut in half truck that looks like it's coming out the floor.”

32 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“A grocery cart that attaches to wheelchairs to provide greater independence while shopping.”

33 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Stone tools found walking with my dog along dried up riverbed.”

34 Awesome Photos (35 pics)

“Every pair of Vans has a tiny logo on the bottom in the same spot.”

35 Awesome Photos (35 pics)


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