This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 4356  |
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"Hair curlers of the 1940s and today"

1 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"1-year difference"

2 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"Toy Story and Toy Story 4, 24 years apart"

3 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"Photos taken exactly 1 year apart"

4 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“I’ve always loved photos of work that showed an artist’s progress. But I’ve never thought about it and it seemed that my own works remained the same over time. Well, I was wrong. In the above pic, I was trying to make a ring. I was drilling, hammering, and was angry. On the bottom are my rings from 2019.”

5 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“Just look at the detail on the ring on the right!”

6 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"Phone cameras 8 years ago vs now"

7 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"Progress: 2018 and 2020"

8 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“I have a tendency to be hypercritical and only see the mistakes. Re-doing my nail art has been one of the coolest ways to see my progress. I’m so proud of my growth!”

9 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“7 days later — This Riccia is getting better”

10 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"My town before and after"

11 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"McDonald’s of the ’90s and today"

12 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“On the left is the bird I made for my husband in 2017. And I wanted to do it again, so on the right, you can see the new one.”

13 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“The left cover is my first leatherwork experience. I didn’t have any tools back then. On the right, I’m using way more technique.”

14 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

“I often heard that if you can’t make a nice picture, there’s no point in pursuing this hobby. In my opinion, if you like the process, keep doing it! Eventually, you’ll get better over time, no matter what.”


15 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)

"The hair iron: the 1960s and today"

16 This Is How Progress Look Like (16 pics)


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