The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 2671  |
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A boy walks out of the sea while removing oil spilled in Brazil in October, 2019.

1 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Smog over Almaty, Kazakhstan

2 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

The Aral Sea turned into a desert over 20 years.

3 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Toxic blue-green algae caused by sugar plant waste in Florida, USA

4 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

The Margala Hills in Islamabad, Pakistan, are barely visible.

5 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

This place used to have clear water with fish and turtles in it.

6 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Deforestation in Bolivia. Woods are cleared for sugarcane fields.

7 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Smog in Beijing, China

8 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

The world’s largest wetlands at Pantanal, Brazil are burning. This is threatening wildlife and producing harsh smoke.

9 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

A leafless forest caused by acid rains near Norilsk, Russia

10 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

This river turned bright red due to pollution.

11 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

The Salton Sea in California, USA, killed 97% of the fish living in it over the course of 10 years.

12 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

A sculpture made of trash

13 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Major coral bleaching at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, due to climate change

14 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)

Every year small farmers in Brazil burn about 500,000 hectares of rainforest.

15 The Earth Destruction (15 pics)


№1 Author: EngineerAl (27 Dec 2020 02:24) Total user comments: 435

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#9 Looks more like a wheat field than wetlands...
#14 Not being submerged in water is really bad for coral.

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