Amazing Nature (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 2208  |
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1 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“Guys, what on earth is this?!”

2 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“Looks like a small cyanobacteria bloom. Toxic so please don’t mess around with that or allow pets near it.”

“Found these clear, tube-like jelly things on the beach near Oceanshore, WA. Looks like squid eggs.”

3 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"This 26-foot long-armed squid was found in November 2007 by an oil rig 200 miles off the coast Houston Texas."

4 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“This is my 33-hour exposure of the Dolphin Nebula.”

5 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“It ended up getting me shortlisted as the Astronomy Photographer of the Year!”

"An extremely rare spherical cloud."

6 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“Extremely spherical rare cloud.”

"Nature always finds a way."

7 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"It looks like somebody threw a giant bed sheet over the houses."

8 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“The rock formations on the Isle of Staffa blew my mind!”

9 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

Staffa means “pillar island” in the ancient Nord language of the Vikings.

“Got out of bed at 3:30 a.m. this morning to capture the first rays of sun together with the geyser, Strokkur, in Iceland.”

10 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“Tiny skulls are left after my snapdragon flowers die.”

11 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"A tornado and a rainbow in the same shot."

12 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"Lightning inside of a volcanic explosion — they’re called “dirty thunderstorms.”"

13 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

“A raindrop hit my camera while taking shots of a storm.”

14 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"The place in Iceland where green fields, a yellow river, Black Beach, and the blue sea meet."

15 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"The river water is yellow because of sulfur."

"An Icelandic ice cave."

16 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"Snow rolls formed by the wind."

17 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"Surprises can await you, even in the middle of a field."

18 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"Clouds that look like an impressionist painting."

19 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"Every summer in the Nevada desert, thousands of people meet up for Burning Man."

20 Amazing Nature (21 pics)

"In a span of 9 days, they build and take down this entire city. It consists of performances, art, and countless other surreal structures."

"Lenticular clouds that look like ice cream in a cone."

21 Amazing Nature (21 pics)


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