Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Sep, 2020  |
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When your husband overestimates your ability to use the grill.

1 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Husband’s birthday cake baked up a bit stiffer than I intended.

2 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Sooooo I missed a little patch of hair while shaving the back of Steven's head…and I didn't notice it until Tonya's wedding reception after everyone had already seen it. ????

3 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

You might be failing as a wife when you send your hubby off with his lunch box and you forget to actually put meat on the bread. Ya know. The actual lunch part.

4 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

The cat is not a fan of my girlfriend...

5 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

We went to new york for Brandon's birthday. it was fun. I forgot the cake.

6 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

So.. Evan turned 34 today. I thought he was turning 33 so I showed up with this. We’re officially “forgetting what age we are” old now.

7 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Yesterday I refused to let Johnny purchase a $5 umbrella because it never rains in California. Tonight... downpour during California's biggest drought. So I felt bad and made him a trash bag poncho. Even Leila is judging me.

8 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Well, guess I should have had the boyfriend's gift shipped to my parents.

9 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

I made the fries a little crispier than my husband likes them... Whoops.

10 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

When you get back from a trip to NY, and he’s got a homemade dinner waiting for you, with dessert in the freezer and your show queued up on the tv, and you say “what’s all this for?”, to which he replies “it’s the 3rd”... and then you realize you’ve forgotten that it’s your anniversary.

11 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Wife of the year. Woke up and loudly yelled, “Happy birthday!” to my husband. He was like, “Nope! My birthday is tomorrow!” ????

12 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

I may have left the brownies in a little too long.

13 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

I bought two 3 candles for Nate's birthday, one of them didn't survive the trip home… but I put it on the pie anyway because I wanted full credit for effort.

14 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

When you go to wrap hubbies birthday presents and you realize you’ve forgotten to get wrapping paper. Good job his color blind.

15 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Each time my girlfriend fails to reset the microwave’s timer.

16 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

So this is what happens when you wash an older pillow... um... now what do I do? My pillow washed fine, this pillow is my husband's ????

17 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Wife brought home the pizza... And THEN dropped it.

18 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

When you try to surprise your boyfriend with something he's been wanting but it's bigger than you are and requires a truck, sorry bud you gotta get it yourself!

19 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Today I embarrassingly accept the worst wife award!

20 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

I know I am terrible and should stop this and give the Man Mountain some dignity and privacy, but when gold like this presents itself, what am I to do... Worst wife ever.

21 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

I know how to operate can opener. I am adult.

22 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

23 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

When you ask your boyfriend to get a shower rod and curtain for the guest bathroom... I guess I should've been more specific.

24 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Wifey managed to spill milk in the boot of her car and with the current heat, the milk has gone off... I shouldn't laugh the smell was UNREAL...

25 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

This wife, who helped her husband put on sunscreen... kinda.

26 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Wife dropped the pot pie AND the wine.

27 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)

Wife waited too long to go Valentine's Day card shopping.

28 Wives And Girlfriends Fails (28 pics)


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