Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 3562  |
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1 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

2 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

3 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Taking water with you the next day? Fill it halfway, flip it on its side and freeze it. Fill the remaining space with cool water right before leaving. Results as expected, nice."

4 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

5 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Fitting a full pizza in a baking sheet."

6 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Use a pizza wheel to make easy work out of herbs."

7 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Place pepperoni over bagel holes when making homemade pizza bagels. Cheese won’t melt and stick to the pan, gives toppings more surface area."

8 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Don't roll the tube of toothpaste, use the smooth side of a toothbrush to push it all forward!"

9 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"My kids were always complaining about getting the heel of a bread loaf, so I started flipping it over and putting the end side down so they wouldn’t know."

10 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

11 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

12 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Need a quick camera mount for your phone? Use a trigger clamp!"

13 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Don’t have a working oven and I wanted fresh baked cookies. So I used the Arizona sun and my car as the oven."

14 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Bottle lid too tight? Wrap a rubber band around it, then use a towel to grip and twist."

15 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Never have to remember when the warranty is up on your car battery. Just some duct tape and a permanent marker."

16 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

17 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

"Cat won’t leave you alone while working from home? Try a decoy laptop."

18 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

19 Useful Lifehacks (19 pics)

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