People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Sep, 2020  |
  • Views: 1990  |
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"Polar bears"

1 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Being able to say “it must have got lost in the mail” or “I didn’t get your text” as a lie for ignoring someone."

2 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"The Internet. Hell, I'm nostalgic for it now. Not the final form that the internet has taken over the past decade or so, but those wild west days before youtube, facebook, social media, reddit. Finding weird ass sites, geocities pages, looking up cheat codes for GTA, hanging out on forums, seeing something go truly grassroots viral and not just because it's trending on instagram or something. Those days when no company knew what the hell the internet was or how to market on it, it was just left to the nerds and the kids who were making up the rules as they went along. I miss when the internet felt like a little adventure rather than a timesink or utilitarian tool to get the day to day done."

3 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"I think YouTube. Like how us 80/90s babies miss early Nickelodeon and Saturday morning cartoons I think future generations will miss the unlimited content."

4 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)


5 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)


6 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Back in my days we used videogames with controllers!"

7 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Hardcover books"

8 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"High quality nerf blasters"

9 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Poppable bubble wrap"

10 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Comfortable temperatures"

11 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Going to friends’ houses to play basketball/soccer and a few video games, and then have a sleep over."

12 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"The environment that covid showed us when we stopped polluting it for 2 weeks."

13 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"The Rock"

14 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Driving a car yourself"

15 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Flipping through cable aimlessly not really sure what will be on any channel and just going til you hit something decent."

16 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Drinks full of sugar, food full of salt."

17 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"Going to the movies"

18 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

"We just spent 5 months with family. Having dinners together, watching TV together, playing games, just being a family. Kids are going to grow up remembering the time they had with their parents and siblings. There will be good memories."

19 People Share Things They Will Be Feeling Nostalgic For In 40 Years (19 pics)

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