Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 3597  |
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If your candle runs out of wick but there’s still some wax left, put it on top of a salt lamp. The heat from the lamp is just enough to help your candle give off a subtle smell.

1 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Taking water with you the next day? Fill it halfway, flip it on its side and freeze it. Fill the remaining space with cool water right before leaving. Results as expected, nice.

2 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Separate an egg yolk with an empty plastic bottle.

3 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Stick a magnet on your door as key holder.

4 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

5 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

6 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

If need to cut power to a switch, receptacle, etc, write the breaker # somewhere obvious. This will save time and cut out the guess work for the next time you need to cut the power.

7 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

For condiments in tall glass jars use chopsticks.

8 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Easy cherry tomato cutting hack.

9 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Pre-school placed a "Picture Day" reminder sticker for us on the middle of my son's back so he couldn't remove it.

10 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

To make it easier to get Spam out, poke a little hole in the bottom. Air can get in, and the meat shakes right out. Same for similar products.

11 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

How to open a bag of charcoal, kitty litter, dog food, etc.

12 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Place pepperoni over bagel holes when making homemade pizza bagels. Cheese won’t melt and stick to the pan, gives toppings more surface area.

13 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Get a steady flow of OJ by pouring it backwards.

14 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

I used 1/4”(6.35mm) gymnasium rubber flooring as the base for my puppy’s playpen.

15 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Freeze your freezie pops standing up so you don't have to cut through the freezie to open them.

16 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Peel mangos with a glass.

17 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

My kids were always complaining about getting the heel of a bread loaf, so I started flipping it over and putting the end side down so they wouldn’t know.

18 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)


19 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

When you need a little privacy.

20 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Turn your Treager into a cold smoker with heat tubing and an old Webber. Works great with cheese!

21 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

How to get rid of that freeze dry problem on ice cream.

22 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

How To Make A Spritz Bottle Work Upside-Down.

23 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

Shuck an ear of corn in one fell swoop.

24 Good Life Hacks (24 pics)

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