Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 1205  |
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“The reflection of my TV makes it look like Girl with a Pearl Earring is in my backyard.”

1 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“I sat on a bench outside an office and noticed that my reflection in the window perfectly fit in the chair.”

2 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

"This lamp reflection in the window looks like the arrival of an alien ship."

3 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“Thought this was a desktop background, but it’s just a reflection of our couch.”

4 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

"A version of Schrödinger’s cat who’s in and out of the box at the same time."

5 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“The reflection in my trumpet creates a tiny planet effect.”

6 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“This reflective phone looks like see through glass.”

7 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“The reflection on my car’s roof makes the street look flooded.”

8 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“My cup of tea is full of stars thanks to the ceiling light reflection.”

9 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“The reflection of the face image creates another face with a huge smile and a hat.”

10 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“My camera focused on the reflection on my watch.”

11 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

"The lamp reflection shows googly eyes behind my sunglasses."

12 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

"The reflection makes a “ghost” mansion float in the air."

13 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“Leaving a rain storm: Blue skies ahead, darkness behind.”

14 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“I covered a door in mirrored paper squares and now it looks almost like some sort of portal.”

15 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

“My house, reflected in the car window, looks like a wobbly spooky mansion.”

16 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)

"The clouds reflected on this building look pixelated, like a video game."

17 Amazing Reflections (17 pics)


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