Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Aug, 2020  |
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“A client ordered mini-doughnuts, and I was happy to make them for him. They’re only an inch in diameter.”

1 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

—"We never refuse our guests even if they have the most ridiculous requests.“

— “It looks like a burger in a freshly laundered, fluffy towel.”

2 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“I ordered a pizza with ‘super extra mega poppy seed crust,’ and I wasn’t disappointed. At first, I thought it was burnt, but then I was so happy.”

3 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

4 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Someone ordered a carbonara with broccoli instead of pasta. I gave it my best shot.”

5 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Here’s what a customer ordered from me last night: 3 beef patties, triple cheese, and a flat bun.”

6 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

7 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Once a week, a customer comes to our restaurant and orders nachos, a Mexican appetizer. It costs $15 but we charge him 2 times more, because he asks for extra bacon, extra chicken, extra ham, and extra cheese. After the first bite, he always gives me 2 thumbs up.”

8 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“I went to a Thai restaurant and asked them to make my dish as spicy as possible. I got my food with a warning message on the box. The message on the food box reads: “Hot enough to get us in trouble!”

9 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Here’s another weird order — a hollow bagel.”

10 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

11 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Someone just ordered this pizza. No cheese, just a layer of tomato sauce, cherry tomatoes, and lots of corn. This cost them $11.94.”

12 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“The customer wanted an ‘obscene’ amount of lemons, and I aim to please.”

13 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“A guest asked for a mini sample of a salad we do.”

14 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“I was once in a Mexican restaurant and asked the chef to surprise me. He brought me a grilled pineapple with smoked meat.”

15 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

16 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“A guest asked for the biggest ribeye we had. Here’s 72 ounces of good meat.”

17 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Someone asked to make a sandwich with everything on it: 3 types of mayo, mustard, ketchup, 4 varieties of hot sauces, 5 kinds of cheese, all vegetables, and all the toppings we have.”

18 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

“Today, our customers ordered a pizza with 20 toppings. They said they wanted everything and they actually meant it.”

19 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)

Bonus: “On the left — what I, a chef, make for customers, on the right — what I make for myself.”

20 Everything's For Customers (20 pics)


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