Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 3205  |
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“I ordered a size small dress online! Here’s what I got!”

1 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I ordered what I thought were my dream shoes... turns out, it was a fake website, but they still sent me a pair of shoes and I swear I have never cried so hard!”

2 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I bought some tweezers on eBay. I then complained that they were too tiny. The guy I spoke to sent me these. Well played, sir.”

3 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“Can we, please, normalize not buying luxury brands on Instagram? My girlfriend ordered a PRADA handbag for cheap there, this is what she got when it got delivered today. The logo says PADRE.”

4 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“My mother bought a saucepan on AliExpress — it was red and looked nice. And she wasn’t embarrassed by the fact it cost 80¢.”

5 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“These shorts my friend ordered from an Instagram ad... just a little bit different than the advertisement!”

6 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I ordered a referee shirt Halloween costume online. On the right — what I ordered. On the left — what they sent me. Needless to say, I sent it back.”

7 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

— "Ordered a “prom dress” from China to see what I’d get. These are only the same insofar as they are both technically dresses. " — "You look like a cute tablecloth."

8 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I never thought that this would happen to me... and yet here we are.”

9 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“Waited a month for this. Doggo was not impressed.”

10 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“The shoes I ordered vs The shoes I got! I don’t know how to react to this.”

11 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“My friend ordered a large t-shirt from Canada, this is what he got.”

12 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“My wife ordered a ‘trash can’ online. She’s cut off from online shopping from now on.”

13 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I ordered a powder blue ukulele for a 3-year-old for Christmas... I don’t think they got my order right.”

14 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I saw a lot of all these different, horribly funny posts about online shopping and I thought I’d share my sister’s and my horrible experience!”

15 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

“I ordered a bean bag 3 months ago and it came today. ROFLing.”

16 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

Bonus: Sometimes internet purchases hide nice surprises in them.

17 Online Shopping Went Wrong (17 pics)

"I bought a set of bed linens from an independent seller for €10 on eBay. The parcel arrived and I started to check it, when suddenly something heavy fell out of the pillowcase. It turned out to be a pack of money and a paper envelope with some kind of cutouts. After having counted everything, I found that there was €1,350 in the set. I was shocked! I decided to not write directly to the owner and say that I had found some money in their linens, but to start from afar and say that I had found some cutouts and ask whether I should send them back. If the seller was the true owner, they would understand what I was talking about. That same day, I got a long email back where the woman wrote something like, “I am so grateful to you! As far as I remember, it’s not only the cutouts, but also some money that was there in the pillowcase. We hid these things while moving, but ended up forgetting the place where we put the money. Please, keep €100 for this being a bother to you and deposit the rest in my bank account.” These things happen."


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