These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 1733  |
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“The courier delivered this cake to me by bicycle. It seems the penguin is shocked and went bald due to stress.”

1 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"It seems they’ve forgotten something..."

2 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"No comment..."

3 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“I’ve laid the bricks, boss!”

4 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"At least it’s charging..."

5 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“My mom only replaced half the picture wheel. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are me. The rest are stock pictures.”

6 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“I ordered 1 lb of Brussels sprouts but received 1 Brussels sprout instead.”

7 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“I see this every time I go to work.”

8 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“They’re both left doors.”

9 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"How is this so common?"

10 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"Well, at least it’s all in the box!"

11 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"Meet the magic cube!"

12 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“I think someone really messed up.”

13 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“Look at the snap that ’closes’ the sheath for my new knife.”

14 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"Well, cows do eat plants..."

15 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“The paint on my new barbecue melts when the coal is burning.”

16 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"The main thing to do is hang the lock."

17 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

“Got the light installed, boss!”

18 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

"Dad: “Hey, do you need any help with dinner?”
"Mom: “Yeah, just grab that sack of potatoes, peel half of them for me, and put them in a pot to boil.”

19 These People Did Their Best (19 pics)

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№1 Author: Jeffe (18 Aug 2020 00:01) Total user comments: 25

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14- It doesn't pinch the knife, it wraps around the quillon.

16- That's one reason why it was cheap.

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