This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 3073  |
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1 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

Tall genes run in the family, as her father is 6’10″ and her mother is 6’1′.

2 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

Not only is she a skyscraper, her legs measure 53 inches long.

3 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

Currently, Russian model Ekaterina Lisina holds the Guinness World Record for the longest pair of legs in the world. However, her legs measure 52 inches while Renny's measure 53 inches. Perhaps Renny will apply to break the new world record!

4 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

Growing up had its fair share of challenges, as she was teased for her height in school. Now, Renny fully embraces her height and is the epitome of the term "legs for days." Check out some pictures of her life from the top!

5 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

6 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

7 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

8 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

9 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

10 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

11 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

12 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

13 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

14 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

15 This Girl Has The World's Longest Legs (15 pics)

Unsurprisingly, it's pretty tricky for this tall drink of water to find that clothes that fit properly. Other than that and running into doorways, Renny enjoys her view from the top. What a wild ride it must be!

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