Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Aug, 2020  |
  • Views: 1948  |
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The person who managed to see this double rainbow is really lucky.

1 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

This sand looks like glitter.

2 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Lake Berryessa in California.

3 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

A dust devil swirling up at Burning Man.

4 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Even crocodiles can be albinos.

5 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

This is what a lenticular cloud over Mount Fuji looks like.

6 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

It gets creepy when you see lightning like this.

7 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Take a long look at these multi-colored fields in the hills.

8 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

A view of Lake Natron in the Great Rift Valley.

9 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

This is an albino ape and its name is Snowflake.

10 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

This frog is almost transparent and is known as a “glass frog.”

11 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

These light pillars look like they’re Photoshopped but it’s actually a normal photo.

12 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

This optical illusion gives the impression that there are 3 suns. It’s hard to say which one is real.

13 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Another lighting effect that can make you believe in a miracle.

14 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Meet this finger-sized bird.

15 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

These ice blocks have been forming for thousands of years.

16 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

We’re so small compared to nature.

17 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

Lava and the ocean is a very unusual combination.

18 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)

What color should the Devil’s Bath be? Green, of course!

19 Fantastic Nature (19 pics)


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