Renovation Fails (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 7761  |
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"What happens when you’re renovating and remove a load-bearing wall:"

1 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“Who’s a sniper? I am! I wanted to drill a hole and got right into the pipe!”

2 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“If only there was a cheaper, aesthetically pleasing, more natural way to get shade...”

3 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“A friend is renovating his house. He also has a cat.”

4 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“The entire computer and security system relies on that plug, so we can’t unplug it to fix this.”

5 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“I put in the cable ramp, boss!”

6 Renovation Fails (22 pics)


7 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“I installed the air conditioning, boss.”

8 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

"Nice way to install a fridge."

9 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“We now have a PERMANENTLY installed extension cord.”

10 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“This picture in McDonald’s was hung sideways.”

11 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“Our neighbor is renovating her house and installed a window that looks into our bathroom.”

12 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“My neighbors built a deck that looks directly into my bedroom.”

13 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“Yes boss, I installed the new bathroom doors.”

14 Renovation Fails (22 pics)


15 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

"The amateur carpenter didn’t use anchors to hang up the cabinets."

16 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

"When “rock-mover” wasn’t in the job description:"

17 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“Pulled up the old carpet to put down new carpet (which was already paid for, measured, and cut) and found out the wood floors are actually pristine underneath. $2,300 in carpet well-spent!”

18 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

"Slats have been installed!"

19 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

“This wallpaper in the bathroom of the new house.”

20 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

Bonus #1: “Home renovations when you have a cat — found her like this one day.”

21 Renovation Fails (22 pics)

Bonus #2: “Hey! I did some renovations while you were out. Hope you don’t mind!”

22 Renovation Fails (22 pics)


№1 Author: YeahRight (31 Jul 2020 23:35) Total user comments: 1998

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...I wonder where they buried man's best friend...?

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