People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 2202  |
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“It never occurred to me...”

1 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Weird habits when it comes to laundry.

2 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

One more for the listIt’s all about organization, even when it comes to the refrigerator.

3 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

A sweet-and-sour recipe — would it be safe to try?

4 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Let’s take it one layer at a time...

5 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

It just doesn’t work if they have drawings...

6 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Cold coffee — this may go viral!

7 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

One man’s meat is another man’s poison...

8 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

This could be a new anti-aging treatment.

9 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

“If I had any money, I’m sure I’d give it a shot.”

10 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

A recipe for perfectly smooth lips (the first part, that is...)

11 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

A favorite seat on the bus — everybody has one!

12 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

A favorite seat on the bus — everybody has one!

13 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

It appears to be better than yoga!

14 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

It might come in handy on cleaning days if your partner is like this too.

15 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Makes sense...

16 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

“I wonder how this works when people are wearing shoes...”

17 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

This guy must have, like, 15 siblings.

18 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

This doesn’t seem to be part of the rules of “etiquette.”

19 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Folding the laundry before washing it might be taking things a bit too far...

20 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

“Luckily, where I live, there are hardly any buses.”

21 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Must be better than watching TV!

22 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

Number crunching seems to be a very common thing around here...

23 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)

It’s all about organization, even when it comes to the refrigerator. No, especially when it comes to the refrigerator.

24 People's Strangest Habits (24 pics)


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