Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 5082  |
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“Today, I found another plane that landed in — Antarctica?”

1 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"The road smiles at you."

2 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"Google sees everything!"

3 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"Yes, Google that’s exactly how bridges work!”

4 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"A really weird place in Texas."

5 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“Are you okay, friend?”

6 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“When you park your car just right.”

7 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"Someone is very critical about this place."

8 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"When you see Home Alone 2: Lost in New York in real life:"

9 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“Google Street View censored this cat for his privacy.”

10 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“A flying rabbit caught on Google Maps.”

11 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“Zoom, zoom more, and then...”

12 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“Some awesome lenticular clouds I found on Google Maps (in the Kamchatka Peninsula).”

13 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

"You can see this many cats every day!"

14 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

“Found a rare front dual-wheeled Jeep. Must be a big engine!”

15 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)

Bonus: "Tawanda Kanhema spent $5,000 so that his country appeared on Google Maps."

16 Things Found On Google Maps (16 pics)


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