Awesome Things (43 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 4512  |
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“My mom uses an old iron as a paper holder.”

1 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Boot print looks like a cartoon skeleton with an army helmet on.”

2 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This cat has a paw print on it’s back!”

3 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Pattern on this tree stump looks kinda like the ‘starry night’ painting.”

4 Awesome Things (43 pics)

A Hookah Smoking Caterpillar in Nebraska.

5 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Didn't realize how large the wind turbines actually are until there was a train full of the blades, miles and miles long.”

6 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“What happens when an oil drip pan gets rained on overnight.”

7 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“A dentist office showing how much sugar is in regular items.”

8 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“In Malaysia we have green toast infused with a fragrant leaf called pandan.”

9 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Nappies in Sweden have a father on the packaging.”

10 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The shower curtain in a rented cabin is the inverse of our comforter brought from home.”

11 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The ink stains on my wet receipt look like a fantasy map.”

12 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Found a vintage 90s Nickelodeon boombox, it still works.”

13 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This park has a swing where a parent and a kid can swing at the same time.”

14 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This brass plated fire hydrant outside a fancy hotel.”

15 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“My wife made crutches for her T-Rex planter after a storm broke one of his legs.”

16 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“I found these measuring spoons that are labeled in grandma terms!”

17 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The book I’m reading, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens skipped two pages and suddenly turned into Dracula by Bram Stoker.”

18 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“These bus seats in tampere have a raccoon pattern.”

19 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“My toaster has a window to analyze its progress.”

20 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Pancakes served in a pizza box.”

21 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“My Grandmas teapot, made during World War Two.”

22 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Due to the light fixtures' reflections and the window's frame, this photo I took in Iceland looks like a painting of another planet.”

23 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This spoon was split into two packets.”

24 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“An all original ‘34 Ford; still runs too.”

25 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This decanter produced by blowing glass into a hollowed out log.”

26 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“My dog has a two colored claw.”

27 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This rock I found on Chesil Beach, UK, is perfectly round.”

28 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“I ordered some 3D printed parts and they turned up in a tiny 3D printed cage to protect them in shipping.”

29 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“I successfully grew a pineapple from the top of one I got from the grocery store.”

30 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The three guitars I’ve made during quarantine.”

31 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“There's a tree growing from my lemon.”

32 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“My cousin's ultrasound photo looks like someone riding a motorcycle.”

33 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This house has a cat white picket fence.”

34 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“A view from my car looks similar to the view from the airplane.”

35 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Tried to get a snapshot of lightning but caught a hummingbird.”

36 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The amount of old phones I found while decluttering my Grandpa's office.”

37 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This house built on top of a railway tunnel (Derbyshire, UK).”

38 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“This completely unedited photo makes the clouds look like a painting.”

39 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Emptied my change jar and found a dime from 1935.”

40 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Amount of electronics we, 7 people, brought with us for an 18 day 7000km(4350 miles) roadtrip.”

41 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“Went on a walk and noticed a floating mailbox post.”

42 Awesome Things (43 pics)

“The hospital of Aachen, NW, Germany looks as if it was from a video game on the inside.”

43 Awesome Things (43 pics)


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