Thrifty People (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Jul, 2020  |
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"What “use to the last drop” looks like."

1 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I decided to present my father with a set of tools, but I didn’t want to bother myself with the packaging. So what? Everything will come in handy.”

2 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I always cut sponges in half so they last longer.”

3 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“My wife’s grandmother and her friend have been saving money on birthday cards and just resending the same ones to each other.”

4 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I broke up with my girlfriend, because she tried to throw this away.”

5 Thrifty People (18 pics)

"Here’s a life hack on how to get free grapes."

6 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“My father pours his collection of free shower gels from hotel rooms into our container at home.”

7 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I have allergies and I wanted to buy an air purifier, but I saw something on the internet that said you can use a filter and a fan instead. Well, I cross my fingers it’ll work.”

8 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“54 years ago my grandfather ‘repaired’ this toilet paper holder by sticking a pencil into it.”

9 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“My husband thinks that I’m crazy because every time we celebrate a birthday, the first thing I do is take off all the paper from the presents to later use it to give a present to somebody else.”

10 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I really wanted a backpack vacuum cleaner, but the prices were very high. Fortunately, I already had this fella and a skein of rope.”

11 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“Since the shipping cost of tires seemed too high for my parents, they decided to carry it like carry-on baggage and saved $110.”

12 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“I spent 4 hours sorting out my father’s collection after learning that coins that were released before 1965 could contain silver. Bottom line: I found 2 silver coins, earned $3, spent 5 hours of my life.”

13 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“The car dealer wanted $600 to replace the climate control panel, but here’s my solution for $10.”

14 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“The seller saved money by shipping a package in this box. It was a clever reusable idea, and the size is perfect.”

15 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“People pay for a gym membership, and I work out by cleaning up all the garbage in my area.”

16 Thrifty People (18 pics)

"When all means ALL:"

17 Thrifty People (18 pics)

“Unless you answer ‘YES’ to all of these... Do not turn on the heat!

— Are you wearing a hoodie, pants, socks?

— Is it November?

— Do you pay the gas bill?”

“I’m a spender, so I found a way to deal with this problem and froze my credit card in the freezer.”

18 Thrifty People (18 pics)


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№1 Author: OldOllie (21 Jul 2020 08:43) Total user comments: 2136

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#1 Run some water in the jug and shake it up.

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