Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Jul, 2020  |
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“The Neowise Comet flying over Mt Hood.”

1 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“An intact pyramid capstone, one of the few know in existence.”

2 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Camazotz - The Maya Batman - In 2014 Warner Bros summoned 30 artists to reinterpret Batman on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. One of those who accepted the assignment was Christian Pacheco, owner of the design firm Kimbal, based in Yucatán, Mexico. This was his design.”

3 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“A soldier "turtle" ant, which uses its rounded head to block off the nest entrance.”

4 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“An incredibly intact Crinoid specimen fossil dating back to about 345 million years ago.”

5 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This eagle shot in the face and got 3d printed beak which made him more bad@$$.”

6 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“New China meets Old China.”

7 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“A golden tiger. A rare color variation caused by a rare recessive gene.”

8 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

These are made of glass.

9 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“X-ray of a hand dipped in iodine. Iodine absorbs X-rays, revealing the skin around the bones.”

10 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Building mural in Old Quebec City.

11 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This is what a sunset looks like from above the clouds.”

12 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This is a photo of the Sphinx in the late 1800s. It was taken from a hot air balloon and it was still covered by sand.”

13 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Light pillars in Alaska. This happened when reflection of light from tiny ice crystals are suspended in the atmosphere.”

14 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“The Bagworm Moth Caterpillar collects and saws little sticks to construct elaborate log cabins to live in.”

15 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Vegan Leather made from Cactus is planned to put an end to animal cruelty.”

16 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Saw a shelf cloud omw to work this morning.”

17 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Camouflage over the Lockheed Aircraft plant in Burbank, CA during World War II, making it appear that this was a sparsely populated rural area.”

18 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This was a photo taken in 1912 of an iceberg found with black and red paint in the Atlantic ocean. It is believed this was the iceberg that hit the Titanic.”

19 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“17th-Century Sculptor Giuliano Finelli Hand-Carved Incredibly Realistic Lace Patterns Into Marble.”

20 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

This perfect shadow projection.

21 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“A spiral staircase designed by Leonardo da Vinci in the year 1516.”

22 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Here’s a geodesic sphere I made a while ago - all paper, no glue required!”

23 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Inside a Glacier in Iceland..

24 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“The Oseberg Ship, a 9th century viking ship discovered almost perfectly preserved in a burial mount in Norway.”

25 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

26 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This Is What Happens When Lightning Strikes A Flag On A Golf Course.”

27 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Hercules Armor Of The Emperor Maximilian II Of Austria From 1555.”

28 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“An electric purple sky. As mesmerizing as it was, this colorful blanket was followed by the devastating natural disaster that is already responsible for killing at least 40 people. The category 5 super typhoon is said to be the most powerful one to hit Japan in half a century.”

29 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“I made my second Motorcycle from Popsicle Sticks.”

30 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“When the 295 ft spire was added to the Wilshire Grand in Los Angeles it became the tallest building in the city at 1,100 ft (335 m).”

31 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Statue of Lucifer in a Catholic cathedral in Liege, Belgium.”

32 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“Oxford 1810, Oxford 2015!”

33 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“The Golden Temple, the holiest shrine in the Sikh religion.”

34 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“The stunning Balkan Lynx, one of the rarest cats in the world.”

35 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“A brave Seattle Ironworker photographed in 1980.”

36 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This village in China has been uninhabited for 30 years, since the 1990s.”

37 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“After the fall of the Soviet Union, a city in Ukraine was getting rid of all their communist statues. A local artist converted the last remaining one into Darth Vader.”

38 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Megalodon tooth vs. Great White tooth.

39 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

IBM Quantum Computer.

40 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

A regal ringneck snake.

41 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“I pointed my telescope at the andromeda galaxy and took photos for 6 hours and this is the result!”

42 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Viking ring castle in Denmark, c. 980 AD.

43 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This sports car I saw today.”

44 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“If you're wondering how people do graffiti on bridges.”

45 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“This is what a Polar Bear blowing bubbles underwater looks like.”

46 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Room in an abandoned hotel.

47 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

Time Lapse Photo of a Bee Hive.

48 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“The colour of this Blazing Blue Eastern Collared Lizard.”

49 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)

“New Yorkers stop to watch the "Seinfeld" finale, Times Square, 1998.”

50 Amazing Pictures (50 pics)


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