Cozy Places (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 1800  |
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“The grouping above my table is literally the scraps from around the house. The shelf is a broken bed slat, and the little uke thing was made by my grandpa when he was a boy scout.”

1 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“My apartment is very small, so I made the most out of the space available.”

2 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I turned my closet into a bed.”

3 Cozy Places (23 pics)

"Just imagine lying there in the warmth, while it rains outside."

4 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I’ve been fighting depression for a long time. I finally built my own fortress that I want to return to.”

5 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I’ve just moved into my first apartment after living in my car for a long time.”

6 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I have been sober for more than 600 days. I celebrated it by buying plants.”

7 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“The time difference between these photos is 6 months. The first day after moving out from living with my husband, and today.”

8 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“It may not be much, but my dream has finally been brought to life. My own room where I can relax with a book.”

9 Cozy Places (23 pics)

"It must be nice to sleep in Jumanji."

10 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“My little green bedroom. My mom crocheted the green blanket for me.”

11 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“The place where I dream.”

12 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I live in the basement and this is my bedroom.”

13 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“For the past 2 years, I have lived in cramped conditions, and now, I have moved into a beautiful sunny apartment full of vintage things.”

14 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I had to wait until I was 27, but now, my parents can’t stop me from painting my room black!”

15 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I bought this vintage Turkish handmade rug for my bedroom.”

16 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“Not as cozy as a lot of the other places, but you can still see the progress.”

17 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I rearranged my small living room, and I’m pretty happy with the results.”

18 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“My shoebox-sized room.”

19 Cozy Places (23 pics)

With enough light, even a tiny room will seem spacious.

20 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“My small corner in this big world.”

21 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I have a bed in my ’treehouse.’ I woke up this morning under a mountain of blankets and didn’t want to go anywhere.”

22 Cozy Places (23 pics)

“I’m adding finishing touches to my refurbished kitchen.”

23 Cozy Places (23 pics)


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