Great Designs (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jul, 2020  |
  • Views: 5515  |
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"A pizza box that turns into a tray for eating in bed."

1 Great Designs (26 pics)

“My hotel in China has a card to give to your taxi driver so you can find your way back.”

2 Great Designs (26 pics)

"These chairs at a ski resort restaurant have room for your gloves, helmet, hat, etc."

3 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This was designed so you don’t get wet while turning on the shower."

4 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This pizza box in Japan that has a handle in the middle to keep the pizza flat."

5 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This hotel’s mirror tells the weather."

6 Great Designs (26 pics)

“My roommate’s spatula has a stand so the bit that touches your food doesn’t touch the counter.”

7 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This umbrella rack has locks and keys to keep your umbrellas safe from thieves."

8 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This hotel clock has displays on 3 sides."

9 Great Designs (26 pics)

“The sewing kit at my hotel came with the needles pre-threaded.”

10 Great Designs (26 pics)

“My hotel in Odesa (Ukraine) tells you which day it is by changing the elevator carpet every day.”

11 Great Designs (26 pics)

“My hotel shower has a light to let you know if it’s too hot or cold.”

12 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This airport bathroom has lights to show you which stalls are free."

13 Great Designs (26 pics)

“This elevator at my university has foot buttons.”

14 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This furniture hardware is sorted by step rather than by type."

15 Great Designs (26 pics)

"My work continues the paint lines up the wall to help people park."

16 Great Designs (26 pics)

“The toilet at our new house has a built-in, smaller kid seat.”

17 Great Designs (26 pics)

"These public benches are reversible so you can choose to look at people or boats."

18 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This pill bottle lid tells you when you last opened it."

19 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This baby store has different surfaces to “road test” the strollers."

20 Great Designs (26 pics)

“This door in my hotel bathroom can close off either of 2 doorways.”

21 Great Designs (26 pics)

"Scented and unscented soaps in a nice restaurant bathroom."

22 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This airplane sleeping mask has different sides depending on if you want the flight attendant to wake you up for meals or not."

23 Great Designs (26 pics)

"This fence is shaped to create seating."

24 Great Designs (26 pics)

“My tub of protein has a scoop that sits at the top so you don’t have to dig for it.”

25 Great Designs (26 pics)

“The toaster oven at my parents’ house has a button for ’a bit more.’”

26 Great Designs (26 pics)


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