These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

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  • 23 Jun, 2020  |
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“If you or a friend need urgent medical attention, be honest about any drink or drugs that have been taken. Doctors, nurses and paramedics are concerned with saving your life, not snitching on you. An emergency situation is not the time to be protecting your reputation.”

1 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Do NOT do anything you see Bear Grylls do on TV if you’re stuck in an actual survival situation. Unless there are extreme circumstances that require you to keep moving or hiding, it is best to stay in place and use resources in your immediate area to build shelter and a signal fire. Eat bugs. Find water. Stay put. Build fires.”

2 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Don’t be afraid to go to a psychologist. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

3 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Wear Sunscreen.”

4 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Never use water on a grease/oil fire. use an extinguisher.”

5 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Don’t EVER go to a second location if someone is trying to force you. Once someone does that, your chances of dying go astronomically high. Get TF outta there. Scream, holler, do what u gotta do.”

6 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If someone breaks into your home and you use a bat to protect yourself, put a sock overtop of it so if they grab the bat, you can take it back because the sock will slide off.”

7 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, no matter what or why, you don’t have to justify leaving the situation or find a reason first. Being nice gets you killed.”

8 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you’ve got stroke symptoms, droopy face, weakness in one arm or leg, or word-finding difficulty, they aren’t kidding when they say time matters. You can end up with dramatically worse results if you go to bed thinking you’ll decide to go to the hospital or not in the morning. Determine when the last time you were well was, have a time for when the symptoms started, stick to those numbers firmly, and then get your @$$ to the ER.”

9 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you have been driving for a while and you find yourself or your mate, in the car starting to micro sleep. Pull over immediately and get some rest (~ 20 minute power nap with an alarm to wake you). Your/their reward is being alive and not wrapped around some tree.”

10 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you think someone is following you, take 4 rights in a row. If they are still behind you, drive to the nearest police station.”

11 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you are ever caught in a rip tide, swim parallel to the shore line and perpendicular to the current. If you swim into it you will die. If you let it take you out to sea and aren’t a strong swimmer, you will die. If you aren’t a strong swimmer, stay out of the ocean.”

12 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you’re the first person to be on the scene of an emergency, don’t wait for someone else to call emergency services, do it yourself. If ten people assume someone else will do it, no one will, and someone could die. If you’re unable to do it yourself, ask a specific person to call (rather than saying “someone call 911/999, etc.”).”

13 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Write a message in your predictive text. Whenever I type 911 on my phone it autocorrects to this: “Something has gone wrong. I’m at the address I sent you earlier and/ or with the person I told you I would be with. Please call the police immediately. This is an automated message I pre-wrote and made a shortcut for. I am sending this because I am not okay. Please send help. I love you.” Quick and easy to send to a loved one when you are in danger and cannot call anyone. I used 911 specifically because it isn’t the emergency number for my country, so it’s something easy to type but that I am very unlikely to. I highly highly highly recommend this to anyone.”

14 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Always guarantee your own safety before helping someone in a first aid situation! It might seem obvious, but it is overlooked way too often. For example: when someone is unconscious in a closed space and there are no direct clues to the cause, always assume there is CO and the room isn’t safe to enter. Try to ventilate the room and get the person out of there as quick as possible, but don’t risk your life by staying in there for too long!”

15 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“NEVER mix ammonia and bleach. Lots of cleaning products contain one or the other. Read labels before mixing.”

16 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Always meet in a public place.”

17 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“When you’re waiting to make a left turn, keep the wheels facing forward until you’re ready to go. If you get rear-ended, it can make the difference between just a fender-bender or getting launched into oncoming traffic and getting t-boned. They used to teach this in driver’s ed, but I don’t think my kids ever heard this from their instructors.”

18 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“Wear a seat belt when you can.”

19 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

“If you get stabbed by something, do not remove it. It may be keeping you from bleeding out. Get to a hospital and let them decide how to remove it.”

20 These Tips May Help You (20 pics)

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№1 Author: OldOllie (23 Jun 2020 07:54) Total user comments: 2136

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#7 I would never take a baseball bat to a gunfight.

#18 Also, stop BEFORE the turn so you have room to get a rolling start for the turn,

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