What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Jun, 2020  |
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Found while hiking in the Santa Cruz mountains in California.
A: It's not a prayer wheel, it's a part of a pendant necklace that looks like a prayer wheel. You have found the outer shell.

1 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

This was found with a glass pipe and lighter.
A: Those are glass ‘screens’ they sit in the pipes hole, allowing air to still pass through but not plant matter.

2 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

What is this red box found off a walking path in upstate New York?
A: It's an old RR switch box.

3 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Weird Electrical Box found in the basement of a house my friend bought.
A: Judging from the schematic, that looks like a basic home made alarm system. Few things are missing but... Yeah.

4 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Hinged metal widget with unique hook points. Only writing on it says Taiwan.
A: It’s a chain binder for binding large loads/equipment onto trucks or trailers.

5 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Garment/accessory holder? Found in Victorian wardrobe. But used for what?
A: Mid-Victorian mahogany and brass revolving wig and cloak hanger for a barrister/judge.

6 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Found this bill of 500 something in a parking lot, no idea from what country but guessing Southeast Asia.
A: 500 Thai Baht.

7 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

These Eggs? I'm zoomed in here, so in reality these were about a phat 64th tall.
A: Ladybug/ladybird eggs.

8 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

I've been trying to figure out what this thing is. It's all around Singapore, in the walls. It's red in the middle.
A: It's a surveying prism - they're used as targets with other forms of surveying equipment like lasers. They're often used in areas where there's significant building or tunnelling work going on, so that surveyors can check if existing buildings are moving as a result of the work.

9 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Found while magnet fishing in the Netherlands, what kind of gun/rifle is this from?
A: It's from a dutch M.95

10 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Can be used for wood working, been in my family garage for years. Is it a type of nut? Or something more profound?
A: Banksia pod.

11 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

What is this? I found one on my bed and on my couch - thought it was a tick at first but it’s not alive (hasn’t moved 2 weeks since I found it) and it’s hard.
A: I hope you don't mind sharing your bed with earwigs.

12 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Long skinny plastic bag full of salt? Found a few inches below the dirt in a new garden plot.
A: Urea fertilizer. Somebody might have misplaced or lost it and eventually got covered up by dirt.

13 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

What is this tall concrete structure? I live in the state of Michigan.
A: Old Grain silo.

14 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

What is this weird device on the side of this truck? (FL, USA)
A: Retroreflectometer. It measures the reflectivity of road markings.

15 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Orange dust building up very quickly in the corner of my living room.
A: Spore dust from dry rot.

16 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Any ideas? Reads West Germany and N12 with some object printed across from West Germany.
A: Tooth from a sickle bar mower.

17 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

I found these in my parents closet. Some silver metal things I don't even know how to describe them.
A: Shoe stretchers.

18 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

Some form of machinery outside my flat, what are they up to?
A: It's a small drilling rig. Probably drilling a well to monitor ground water pollution.

19 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

It is hard, the circular pieces break from eachother, the length is about 1 cm and width a few milimeters (aka TINY). I ate a wrap for lunch on a plate on my couch, walked away, then noticed the object on my plate. Not sure if it came from my wrap or the ceiling.
A: They look like harlequin bug eggs.

20 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

№1 Author: OldOllie (19 Jun 2020 08:49) Total user comments: 2136

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#7 500 Thai Bhat is worth about $16 USD.

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