Lazy People (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 2982  |
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When all the cups are dirty and you’re too lazy to wash them:

1 Lazy People (15 pics)

“I forgot this pizza in the oven about a year ago...”

2 Lazy People (15 pics)

“My mom asked my brother to make empanadas, but she didn’t mention the size. He was lazy, so he just made a big one.”

3 Lazy People (15 pics)

This is a new kind of family.

4 Lazy People (15 pics)

“My wife and I wanted to grow strawberries. It was cold, so we thought nothing would grow. A week later, we collected the harvest, but it was only 2-3 strawberries.”

5 Lazy People (15 pics)

Someone didn’t want to shake the vulnerable equilibrium of the universe by moving this tire.

6 Lazy People (15 pics)

“Got my mom a heat changing mug with a photo of us on it. She was so excited to try it out only to find out... that the company printed some other person’s picture on the mug.”

7 Lazy People (15 pics)

What a vicious circle.

8 Lazy People (15 pics)

“For years, I’ve had to live with weird roommates, pay crazy rent, and suffer from financial problems. And then I bought an RV.”

9 Lazy People (15 pics)

“My ‘mortgage’ is a whopping $300/month and full-timer insurance is $118/month. For anyone who is single and struggling financially, I recommend this lifestyle. When you don’t want to come up with any text."

10 Lazy People (15 pics)

“My friend called me and asked me to buy some bread and come to his place so he could pay me back. I went to his place and saw this. He decided to not come out. He roped the money down to me and pulled up the bread. And I thought I was lazy.”

11 Lazy People (15 pics)

When you promise to start a new life tomorrow, but then realize that promises are not all that important, really:

12 Lazy People (15 pics)

The original $1,000 monitor stand.

13 Lazy People (15 pics)

“So, we bought this old Soviet chair and restored it. 500 likes and I’ll show photos and videos of how I did it. I hope I don’t get 500 likes because I’m lazy.”

14 Lazy People (15 pics)

When you want to live in harmony with nature, but you work as a delivery driver:

15 Lazy People (15 pics)


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