Annoying Things (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 2796  |
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What living with a 3-year-old looks like.

1 Annoying Things (20 pics)

No, one’s not bigger. They’re the same size.

2 Annoying Things (20 pics)

Who would think that this is a good idea?

3 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“People in my house insist on not removing the entire seal and have the audacity to use the same spoon for the peanut butter and the jelly!”

4 Annoying Things (20 pics)

2 pieces of toast that were made in the same toaster for the same amount of time.

5 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“This is a normal occurrence at my house.”

6 Annoying Things (20 pics)

No explanation needed.

7 Annoying Things (20 pics)

These bananas are not very cooperative.

8 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“My food got delivered right in front of my screen door so I can’t open it without knocking it all over.”

9 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“I reached for this fry like 3 times. It’s printed on the paper.”

10 Annoying Things (20 pics)

The maximum volume of this radio is definitely mildly infuriating.

11 Annoying Things (20 pics)

The packaging to content ratio is just not appropriate anymore.

12 Annoying Things (20 pics)

People who do this with their shopping carts.

13 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“My dad always leaves it like this.”

14 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“There was no cheese in my cheese-stick.”

15 Annoying Things (20 pics)

When you open an ice cream cone to find this:

16 Annoying Things (20 pics)


17 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“Every year, our aunt sends us little handmade chocolate lobsters. This year, they’re soap. Guess how I figured that out?”

18 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“My little sister did this to 2 of our chocolate bars.”

19 Annoying Things (20 pics)

“A ’medium’ and a ’large’ orange juice.”

20 Annoying Things (20 pics)


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