People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 4769  |
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Some people just wanna watch the world burn. Literally.

1 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Let me try to bend metal with glass.

2 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

What about helping this poor guy struggling to carry his stolen ATM into the bus?

3 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

4 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

5 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

WCGW if we cook on the table.

6 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

7 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Installing a fence.

8 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

That's... Not how it works...

9 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Customer said her turn signal was broken.

10 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Why would anyone attempt this.

11 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

12 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

13 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

14 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Handstand in Dentist Office.

15 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

16 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

How not to make a tutorial video.

17 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

18 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

We can launch the boat from the beach, I have a Jeep!

19 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Quarantine is driving people crazy.

20 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

21 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

Shopping cart go bang.

22 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

23 People Doing Stupid Things (23 pics)

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