The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

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  • 12 Jun, 2020  |
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"Will Smith smothering the dog as it 'turns' in I Am Legend."

1 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"No question. The scene in Casino where Joe Pesci watches his brother get beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats. The pinging sound haunts me to this day."

2 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Boromir in Fellowship of the Ring."

3 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Gotta be the scene in Inglorious Basterds where Bridget von Hammersmark is strangled to death. That was intense."

4 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Ghost Ship. A cable sweeps through a dance floor so fast and sharp it slice people in half."

5 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"In Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal gets a hold of the guard in his cage-cell and starts biting his face. Nine year-old me was not ready for that, and I was less ready to hear my mom start laughing hysterically at the scene, I guess she just found it absurd."

6 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Not technically a "death," but when Wall-E's memory banks got "fried" at the end, I felt that in my soul. Thankfully Pixar would never leave us on a note like that, but damn. That little robot moved me so much."

7 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"When the shark kills Quint in Jaws."

8 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"The scene in Bone Tomahawk where they rip the guy in half."

9 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"When they crush Piggie in "Lord of the Flies". I was probably too young to watch."

10 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Saving Private Ryan is one of my all-time favorite movies, but I can’t watch the scene where Melish gets stabbed."

11 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Curb Stomp from American History X."

12 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"John Coffey from The Green Mile. “Don’t put me in the dark, I’s afraid of the dark.”

13 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Bridge to Terabithia. Thanks for killing me inside."

14 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Littlefoot’s mom dying."

15 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"The baby gorilla in the animated Tarzan. What the hell, Disney?"

16 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Hereditary, the car crash."

17 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"Professor Xavier in Logan. Sir Patrick Stewart is such an actor."

18 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)

"In Titanic, the man plummeting from the sinking ship into the icy waters only to have his fall interrupted by still, metal propellers."

19 The Saddest Movie Death Scenes (19 pics)


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№1 Author: No1 (12 Jun 2020 04:46) Total user comments: 1621

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Sad? Some are horrific, but only a couple are actually sad.

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