Amazing Finds (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 5031  |
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“My friend just found this little statue. The archeologists from the museum told him that it’s probably from a grave dating back to 3,000 or 4,000 years ago.”

1 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“An almost entirely intact Roman mosaic villa floor!”

2 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“I found this geometric pattern under the bark of a tree in the woods. It’s definitely organic.”

3 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“So my friend found a message in a bottle while fishing.”

4 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“Found this rock within a rock on a beach walk.”

5 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“Found an almost 100-year-old dollar bill on the ground today.”

6 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“I broke this rock and found 2 kinds of fossils.”

7 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“Yesterday, I found this message in a bottle on Floreana Island in the Galapagos.”

8 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“My brother found this ‘life-bulb’ that washed up on an Australian beach. It was all alive and could float.”

9 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“My friend was splitting logs and found an arrowhead.”

10 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“The place where I work used to be a coke factory and I found this old bottle.”

11 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“Found this Roman coin in France while metal detecting. Emperor Constantine I, minted in Trier (Treveri) Germany, likely bronze from the year 306 CE to 337 CE!”

12 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“This golf ball inside a log I found.”

13 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“My dog’s fitness pig toy had a buff pig inside.”

14 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“The inside of my daughter’s snap bracelet is from a tape measure.”

15 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“A piece of my knife broke off on the handle and it shows a family on the back.”

16 Amazing Finds (17 pics)

“A friend of mine found this in the ground.”

17 Amazing Finds (17 pics)


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