Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 3168  |
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A little surprise when I opened the refrigerator. The work of my clever husband.

1 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

In case anyone was husband is a grade A Asshole. Not something that I want to wonder to the bathroom and find at 4:15 am.

2 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

I’ve been driving around like this for a solid week now.

3 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Coming home from a long day of work and then rehearsal and all I wanted was a small glass of milk. Well... ask and you shall receive.

4 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Covid isolation funnies. Looks like one of the other inmates in this commune (my husband) is tired of me taking his bank card!

5 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Me: Honey, can you put the frosting on my cake for me while I clean the mixer?

6 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

7 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Yep. This is really what my card says.

8 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Yeah, he be havin’ jokes.

9 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Hubby installed this sign beside my front door... I don't know what he means with that...

10 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

I told the husband he left the cap off the toothpaste, so he set up this scene in response.

11 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

So this is happening!! I tell my husband we need to go get some groceries for dinner and he brings home not one box but THREE boxes of pizza and Parmesan bites. I don't think he understands.

12 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Conversation earlier today...
Him: we're almost out of spoons
Me: put it on the shopping list then

13 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

14 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Hubstink: Do you want your sandwich cut in two?
Me: Yeah please.
Me: Thanks...

15 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Owned my fridge and discovered the Easter bunny must of been stuck here during self-quarantine.

16 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

And the night begins…Clearly my funny husband put down the first word!

17 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Somebody thinks he’s pretty funny.

18 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

It was my 39th birthday yesterday. This is what my husband sends me.

19 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

A little gift from the husband.

20 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

{laugh alert} when you ask your husband to “gimme some sugar” - aka a smooch - and he walks away and comes back with actual sugar...

21 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Apparently my husband decided to “decorate” today’s snacks for me.

22 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

Because he always has to keep it real...

23 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

When your husband packs your lunch... and has jokes.

24 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)

These are the pictures that my husband takes of me... “no hot pizza for you.”

25 Husbands Trolling (25 pics)


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