Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jun, 2020  |
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Golden Bridge, Vietnam.

1 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“747 Landing in San Francisco Fog.”

2 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Shadow art made from recycled materials.

3 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Historical progress of space ships (1967, 1980, 2020).

4 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“You can see Jupiter and its moons by taking a picture with a regular DSLR and small zoom lens.”

5 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

This cool whale sculpture.

6 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Temporary installation by artist Mario Monkey called "I erectus", in 2017. This was placed in a collective art exhibition in Berlin in an abandoned bank building.

7 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

The crystal clear waters of the Dawki River in Meghalaya-India.

8 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Seeing the forest through the leaf....Beautiful perspective!!!”

9 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Half colorized photograph of soldiers during World War 1.

10 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Wojtek (Happy Warrior) was a brown bear who fought Nazis alongside the Polish in WWII. He helped soldiers by carrying and stacking crates of ammunition into trucks, earning him the rank of Corporal. During times of leisure, he was even known to smoke and drink with his comrades.

11 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

An ostrich carriage being pulled over by a policeman in Los Angeles, 1930.

12 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

View of the Great Pyramids of Egypt from old Cairo.

13 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Skeleton flower petals become transparent during rain.”

14 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“How the original Star Wars series fooled everyone with matte paintings.”

15 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Cross section of a Grass cell.

16 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“The structure of this secluded stacked house.”

17 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A magnificent view of Cliffs of Moher, Ireland.”

18 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Wat Samphran Dragon Temple Thailand.

19 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Two frogs using a flower as an umbrella.”

20 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“The Tornado Girl (1989 Kodak Contest 2nd Place, Merrilee Thomas).”

21 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“This is _Jatayu_ , the largest bird statue in the words, located in Kerala, India. It is based off on the death of the mythical and noble vulture also called Jatayu.”

22 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“US President Ulysses S. Grant in 1860. Behind him is a posture brace to help prevent movement during a photo session. Any sudden movements would cause blurring in the photo due to the long exposure time.”

23 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Dumbo Octopus found at the Mariana Trench.”

24 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Handmade raspberry from baking polymerclay.”

25 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Magical mornings on the Great Barrier Reef.”

26 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A tensegrity table holding itself up with nothing but strings.”

27 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“This falling clock that took the wall with it.”

28 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“All planets in our solar system combined into one.”

29 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Awesome Wave Rock in Hyden, Western Australia.”

30 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Bran Castle, "Dracula's Castle", Romania.

31 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A sharp image of the northern polar crater on Mars.”

32 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Green Fields, Yellow River, Black Beach and Blue Sea in Iceland.”

33 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“This is how Boeing plane fuselages are shipped, entirely by rail!”

34 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Ridiculously clear water at the Glacial National Park.”

35 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

200-year-old cherry tree in Japan.

36 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Robert Pershing Wadlow (February 22, 1918 – July 15, 1940), also known as the Alton Giant and the Giant of Illinois, was an American man who was the tallest person, 8 ft 11.1 in (2.72 m), in recorded history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. He was born and raised in Alton, Illinois.”

37 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Pineberries. White strawberries that taste like pineapple.”

38 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Greenhouses in the evening. Looks like huge LED chips.”

39 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Giant Jade Gemstone.

40 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“The first space selfie.”

41 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

The Meteora Monasteries located in Greece.

42 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Stunning new photo of Jupiter by Nasa's Juno spacecraft.”

43 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

This is what sunset looks like from space.

44 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Hubble captures vivid auroras in Jupiter's atmosphere.

45 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Blue fairy wren.

46 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A woman of the Hopi Native American tribe with a squash blossom whorl hairstyle, the traditional style for unmarried women of the tribe and later the inspiration for Princess Leia’s signature hairstyle.”

47 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“This glass floor bathroom built over an abandoned elevator shaft.”

48 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

The only picture ever taken of Concorde flying at supersonic speed (April 1985).

49 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“Translucent Blue Tang (Quickly photographed and released unharmed).”

50 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

2000 year-old glass mosaics, from the ancient city of Zeugma in Turkey.

51 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“The Catacumbo Lightning, an everlasting storm in Venezuela that regenerates the Ozone layer.”

52 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A dress made out of porcelain. Some of the pieces are from the Qing dynasty.”

53 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Canadian passport in UV light.

54 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

The abandoned military equipment at Chernobyl.

55 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

Mosaic floor of a 2000 year old sunken Roman palace, Baia, Naples, Italy.

56 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)

“A spiral staircase carved from a single tree in 1851. Lednice castle,Czech Republic.”

57 Amazing Pictures (57 pics)


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