Amazing Designs (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 4198  |
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The chop-fork provides you with a choice on how to consume your meals.

1 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

The elevator has buttons you can press with your feet if your hands are full.

2 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This store has a winter simulator for testing out winter clothing.

3 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This shirt has buttons on the inside that prevent that gap that can sometimes be caused by a full bust.

4 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

The tables at this food court have built in wireless charging.

5 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This shop has a hammer for people to test the durability of the lens.

6 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A staircase in a metro in Hyderabad, India, motivates people to go on foot more.

7 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

Oklahoma manhole covers have a city map on them, with a white dot showing where in the city you are.

8 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

You can see from a distance which moving walkway you should take.

9 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This shop has a place to test your shoes.

10 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

These places have separate conveniences for children.

11 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

“My new wok has circles to measure oil.”

12 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A restaurant has an angled mirror over the chefs so you can see exactly how your food is prepared.

13 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A restaurant has a foot operated faucet.

14 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A store arranges bananas by ripeness.

15 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

The ramp for walking your bike along the stairs.

16 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This toaster oven has an “a bit more” button.

17 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A store in Monterrey has trash bags, wipes, and cleaning solution for when your dog poops.

18 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

A vendor sells a multi-meat pack. Different meats for different meals.

19 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This clinic has a separate room for newborns, so that they can be safe from the coughers and sneezers waiting in the other room.

20 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

The Paris airport has free arcade games to help pass the time.

21 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

This airport has an infinity pool.

22 Amazing Designs (23 pics)

“Our new fridge came with a sheet that shows examples of sounds that occur during normal use.”

23 Amazing Designs (23 pics)


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