Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Jun, 2020  |
  • Views: 2697  |
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"I don’t mess with my phone while driving."

1 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Move turtles out of the road :)"

2 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I pick up a few pieces of trash each time I walk my dog. It’s a very tiny thing but I like to think it adds up!"

3 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"When you see someone that looks down or lonely, talk to them. You might make a good friend."

4 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I used to leave my parking permit on the permit machines if I had an early day at community college so someone else didn’t have to pay. Turns out it started a trend and people still do it."

5 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Use manners. Sounds inconsequential but after working hospitality/retail the amount of people that don't use them is terrible."

6 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Cut all 6 pack rings."

7 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"If you really don’t think someone is okay, never ask them when there are other people around. Talk to them privately. And come across as very understanding."

8 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I do my best to keep bread and toast crumbs out of the butter container."

9 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I always go on the side of the sidewalk closest to the cars when I see an elderly person or someone with a baby. I doubt anything changes really but I like to think I'm being selfless..."

10 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I leave spare quarters in gumball machines. I like to think it makes somebody happy every once in a while."

11 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"When someone gets cut off repeatedly in conversation I make an effort to make eye contact with them and say “Go ahead... I’m listening...” or something along those lines."

12 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Wait for people that get left behind. No bro left behind."

13 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Compliment people. I saw on here that men don’t get many compliments so I try to do it in as un-flirty a way as possible so it doesn’t get awkward - simple stuff like “Cool shirt”."

14 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Answering any question, now matter how stupid, to the best of my ability. If someone has a genuine question about something, it's a dick move to ridicule them for it. This just promotes stupidity because people will be too scared to find out the truth for something."

15 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Donate blood products. Your body's constantly making red blood cells and platelets, and it's harmless (and possibly healthy) to donate."

16 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"When I remove an item from a grocery store shelf, I move the same item forward to replace it. Especially top-shelf items."

17 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"I am shy so I find it hard to say in person when I have received good or great customer service so I like to email the company directly and let them know. I always try to remember the person's name and to be specific, so that it might make it back to the employee or they might win an employee of the month award."

18 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)

"Smile at strangers I pass."

19 Little Things That Make Our World Better (19 pics)


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