Living With Children (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 May, 2020  |
  • Views: 2273  |
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“Dad, when will you be done?”

1 Living With Children (16 pics)

“I got that face when I asked her not to kiss the manhole cover.”

2 Living With Children (16 pics)

“We had to shatter the toilet to see what the reason for the blockage was. This is what we found.”

3 Living With Children (16 pics)

“The way my little brother eats strawberries — and then he just leaves them out all night.”

4 Living With Children (16 pics)

When you work from home:

5 Living With Children (16 pics)

“My friend bought 18 toilet paper rolls and her daughter put them all in the bath.”

6 Living With Children (16 pics)

If you have kids, at least one of them will be like this:

7 Living With Children (16 pics)

She just wanted to make “potty soup.”

8 Living With Children (16 pics)

“My son discovered that I’m not really at work, but I’m working from home instead.”

9 Living With Children (16 pics)

“I caught my daughter trying to plan an escape from home.”

10 Living With Children (16 pics)

She just wanted to take a bath.

11 Living With Children (16 pics)

“I never thought I’d have to vacuum my washing machine.”

12 Living With Children (16 pics)

“My daughter decided to toast some biscuits on the heater and not to tell me about it for a couple of years. The room started to smell like an apple pie but I had no idea where the smell was coming from.”

13 Living With Children (16 pics)

“My son found my ’fishing rods’ in the bathroom.”

14 Living With Children (16 pics)

“I’m trying to work, but my 4-year-old son is sitting on the kitchen table behind me wearing a Spider-Man costume and whispering, ’Can you feel me breathe?”

15 Living With Children (16 pics)

“In case anyone is wondering how my parenting is going, this is my 3-year-old son cleaning his potty with my toothbrush.”

16 Living With Children (16 pics)


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