Art Recreation (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 May, 2020  |
  • Views: 2013  |
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Picasso’s “Woman In A Hat With Pompoms And A Printed Blouse”

1 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Sharaku Kabuki Portrait

2 Art Recreation (30 pics)

The Death Of Marat

3 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Rembrandt "Portrait Of A Woman With Gloves"

4 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Like A King By Afarin Sajedi

5 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Edvard Munch "The Scream"

6 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Gustav Klimt "Mother And Child"

7 Art Recreation (30 pics)

The Temptation Of St. Anthony By Joos Van Craesbeeck

8 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Frida Kahlo

9 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Pop Art Figures By Keith Haring

10 Art Recreation (30 pics)

"La Ricitos" By Baldomero Gil

11 Art Recreation (30 pics)

"Lady With An Ermine" By Leonardo Da Vinci

12 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Le Chat Noir

13 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Portrait Of Toyotomi Hideyoshi By Kano Mitsunobu

14 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Jan Asselijn "The Threatened Swan

15 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Sleepy Clown Needs Rest After Trying With All Her Might To Make People Smile In Times Of Darkness

16 Art Recreation (30 pics)

"The Son Of Man" By René Magritte

17 Art Recreation (30 pics)

“Portrait Of A Lady With A Child”, Artist Unknown, Nineteenth Century

18 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Danaë And The Shower Of Gold - Orazio Gentileschi

19 Art Recreation (30 pics)

The Veiled Virgin By Giovanni Strazza, Early 1850s (Left)

20 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Covid-19 Gothic

21 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Selfie By Narcissus - Caravage

22 Art Recreation (30 pics)

"Girl Interrupted At Her Music" - Johannes Vermeer

23 Art Recreation (30 pics)

The Great War By Rene Magritte

24 Art Recreation (30 pics)

"Christina's World" By Andrew Wyeth

25 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Frida Kahlo "Dancing With Skeleton"

26 Art Recreation (30 pics)

My Sister Did This Frida Piece With My Bird

27 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Georgia O'keeffe--Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico

28 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Kees Van Dongen, "The Corn Poppy"

29 Art Recreation (30 pics)

Girl Before A Mirror, Picasso, 1932

30 Art Recreation (30 pics)


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