Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 May, 2020  |
  • Views: 3663  |
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“My wife finally replaced the boots she has been wearing for 17 years. Same size and style.”

1 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“Wedding band after 33 years of marriage. Mine on the bottom. My wife’s, never worn after the first year because it didn’t fit.”

2 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“The saddle of my bike that I rode 31,000 miles on. It’s extremely comfortable and protects the bike from theft with its ugly look.”

3 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“A Stanley thermos that I have been using every day for almost 50 years. Bought the same one for my friend.”

4 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“I’m a painter in construction, these are my sneakers after a year of use.”

5 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“We bought the scratching post on the left 14 years ago. Since then we have gotten married, had kids, gotten new cats, and we’re on our third home. That scratching post is the best!”

6 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“My dad’s college hat that is 30 years old vs My future college hat.”

7 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“The umbrella on the left is 9 years old. Once, on my way home, it got caught in the front wheel of my bike. I hurt my leg, my wheel was broken, and the umbrella only had the tiniest cut in the cloth.”

8 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“After 16 years... You can tell which handle was the preferred one to get to our plates/cereal bowls cabinet.”

9 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“I finally got myself new rollers today.”

10 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“The blade of my tree planting shovel after 5 years and hundreds of thousands of trees planted vs A brand new shovel.”

11 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“An 8-year-difference on my SO’s ring that her great aunt gave her and a brand new one she found recently.”

12 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“My sister’s 26-year-old stuffed cat on the left looks like it got a little longer from all the hugging.”

13 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“That’s what a newly bought scratchboard turned into after 5 months of murder mittens.”

14 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“Came across these plates in a thrift shop. I imagine the owner kept eating their spaghetti dinners out of the left bowl only.”

15 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“My grandfather’s belt (on the left) that he has been wearing for more than 20 years and the exact same belt my roommate found at a thrift store (right).”

16 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“That’s what my dog’s favorite toy looked like one year ago.”

17 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“This hatchet on the left is 45 years old. It was first used by my grandpa, and now it is used by my dad.”

18 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“The owner told me it was his great-great-grandfather’s butcher block and it used to be about 6 inches taller.”

19 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

“My 10-year-old passport compared to my brand new one.”

20 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)

Bonus: “He is already 10 months old but he is still a kitten to me.”

21 Time Changes Everything (21 pics)


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